I was going to say this perfectly demonstrates both the great power (sensitivity) of the panadapter and our greatest curse at the same time. I was going to give my usual long winded commentary but I must admit that your 3 letter comment is right to the point.

There are design compromises in our resampler (which will be eliminated in an all new version of things later by using the arbitrary phase resampler which will have 120 dB noise floor and cost FEWER ticks by lots than the current one). But VAC itself has a resampler or uses the WinBLOWS resampler (horrible) depending on the interface, driver, etc.

YO PEOPLE. When you have 140 dB of dynamic range displayed in front of you as in our panadapter with standard settings, get an idea that is FOURTEEN orders of magnitude in power, seven in voltage. 10^14 is a very large number and is huge in signal processing even if it is about the right amount when discussing next year's US government deficit spending.



On 2/3/2010 6:37 AM, Lee A Crocker wrote:
Apparently little known fact:

If you are 80dB down from a 27 watt signal you are transmitting  0.0000027 watts


73  W9OY

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