There is an error in the time base calibration. I set the radio to receive a signal generator with a 1kHz AM. Setting the Time (us) to 10 it shows almost 7 full cycles in the scope, so it is closer to ms that us. I had to stop the radio to steady and count it, since I already noted there are not trigger facilities. I think it doesn't worth to report this calibration issue to the bug tracker since it is not needed until more elaborate scope controls are available.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

EB4APL wrote:
Here it works more or less as it should. The speed function surely works, but I didn't checked if is really calibrated and I see some discontinuities, for example when looking a sine wave. It lacks trigger functions and a pop-up control panel (maybe in a future version), but I found it quite useful.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

Bill Roberts wrote:
When I use the Scope option to examine transmitted and received wave forms
with PowerSDR, it doesn't look like/refresh like a real scope.  I've
adjusted the Speed parameter and note little change. The sweep frequency looks like about 1 X per second. I'm wondering if this would improve if I got a better video card? Right now, I am using the integrated Intel video chipset that came with my Dell Inspiron 530 (dual core, 2.2 GHz, 2MB cache on each core) with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR Memory. I do have a vacant PCI-Express
slot where I could install a dedicated video subsystem.

Any thoughts?  Thank you

 Bill Roberts

Radio Station K8DXX


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