Have you ever done something in heat which you wish you had not done later? Consider these:



Cornell wrote a series of articles on his Star 10 transceiver design for QEX. I consider the entire series a work of art and clearly based on Cornell's long and illustrious career as a design engineer.

“Dear QEX Editor:

Please allow me to send my sincerest possible admiration for Cornell Drentea's Star 10 transceiver series. This is the kind of article I would hope we see regularly in QEX. The entire effort is a testimonial to the life time's experience Drentea has instilled into the effort. I admire Mr. Drentea’s technical effort and presentation and the extensive list of accompanying references. I always knew Mr. Drentea was a
skilled engineer.  May I add my voice to the chorus who really like
the direction and content and evolution of QEX.  Doug Smith was doing
a great job and it is clear this tradition will be improved upon.

 My best 73's
Bob McGwier

was sent to QEX after the last installment.

I strongly objected to what I considered commentary in article 1 in this series. I wish I had sent my strongly held view to Larry and Cornell directly. Unfortunately I did not.

I did and still do believe that article 1 should NEVER have been published in that form. I have since seen QEX be managed VERY well and edited with great skill by the brand new editor at that time, Larry Wolfgang.

To Larry and Cornell, I give my sincerest apologies for my intemperate remarks. If anyone considers anything in my notes to forums in the links above as defaming the character of Cornell Drentea, you are mistaken. I do not know anything about Cornell Drentea's character so I have nothing to defame. He has an illustrious career as an engineer and having owned and operated amplifiers designed my Mr. Drentea, I consider him to be a good and valuable engineer and amateur radio operator.

Dr. Robert W. McGwier
Bob, N4HY

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