> Is it supposed to work like that?  If I called MS would they tell me 
> complacently that it was a feature, not a bug?

In a word "Yes"... that's exactly the way it's designed to work, unless you 
completely disable UAC.

It's not nearly as ridiculous as it first might seem.  Think of it this way:  
You're logged-in as administrator, and you have the privileges necessary to 
perform administrative activities.  However, programs that you invoke by 
default do not necessarily have this privilege. If you want to USE your power, 
you need to "Run as..."

If you find it annoying, you CAN turn it off.   I initially turned this stuff 
off as a matter of course.  But once I got more used to it (on Win7) I leave it 
enabled on my laptop... it's a pretty decent security blanket and doesn't 
really get in the way much in my experience.


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