Like many, I've been waiting for this update to allow use of the rig
on CW.  In the interim, I used an external keyer which worked fine.
The radio can send CW: it's just that the implementation of the keyer
in software wouldn't work for me.

Today, I downloaded the software, restarted the computer (which I
often do when installing a new update from anyone), and powered up the
hardware.  After starting the software, the firmware was updated.
Sweet.  Hit the START button and the receiver came alive. Hit the TUNE
button and got output PLUS a different display than I recall from
2.08.  Looks like a carrier with two sidebands.

Tried my straight key with CW: no more CW jitter.  Tenuously, the
paddles were attached, the iambic keyer enabled, and VOILA!  Very
nice, jitter free, CW.  This all took about 14 minutes.  Thanks, guys.
 I can still hear some noise on the first dit but will play with the
Blanking setting later.

One final question: what is this display that is now shown when keying
down?  The only reason I want to know is that when sending CW, the
left side of the displayed signal is distorted.  Listening the signal
on another receiver, it sounds fine.  I'll do more testing later, but
if anyone could shed some light on what I'm seeing, I'd appreciate it.
 Don't recall seeing anything about in the 2.08 manual so perhaps this
is a new feature.


Clark WU4B

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