Another thing to get used to is the S meter reads the integrated signal
power from the entire passband filter, not just the display power in the
single FFT bin (the few bins)  that goes into a pixel in he panadapter.

This is most easily seen by setting a filter and slowly decreasing the
filter bandwidth by dragging filter edges and watching the meter value
decrease (unless it was already dominated by a very strong signal).


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Brian Lloyd <>wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Patrick Greenlee
> <>wrote:
> > Thank you very much for the link to the cal routine.  Maybe that will
> help.
> > I don't think the "flaws I mentioned matter much but ... if I can
> exorcise
> > the
> > evil things from my "baby" I will be happier.
> >
> One of the things you will have to get used to with the Flex 1500/3000/5000
> radios is that there are low-level spurs, artifacts of the DDS LO. Normally
> they are hidden under the noise but if you plug in a dummy load or are in
> the higher bands where all is quiet, they become apparent. Spur Reduction
> keeps them out of the passband but they are apparent on the pan display or
> the waterfall. If you turn off spur reduction then you might get one in the
> passband. I know that it bothered me a bit at first but I eventually
> realized that pretty much all radios have 'em, you just can't see 'em, and
> they don't interfere with the good performance of the radio.
> The new crop of DDC/DUC radios like the Flex 6000 series won't have them as
> there is no DDS LO. I'm definitely looking forward to the arrival of my
> 6700. I am now running an ANAN-10 as the replacement for my Flex 1500. The
> DDC/DUC transceiver is just ... better.
> --
> Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
> 3191 Western Dr.
> Cameron Park, CA 95682
> +1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
> +1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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