On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Richard Solomon <w1...@earthlink.net>wrote:

> RbO's are nice, but they have to be tweaked every so often.

I guess it depends on what you mean. The average Rb reference oscillator is
more accurate even when "uncalibrated" than most people have ability to
measure. Once the unit achieves initial lock it is already better than 5e-8
(0.5Hz at 10MHz) and headed for something on the order of 3e-11 (less than
1 millihertz at 10MHz). After all, the total adjustment range is only +/-
0.015 Hz at 10MHz. So I think that, even for people trying to win the FMT,
an uncalibrated Rb reference is going to be good enough.

And here's a hint: that error is less than the tuning error in the Flex
radios on most frequencies.

> Not so with a GPSDO.

Again, you have to understand the nature of the beast. The Rb reference
usually has better short term stability than the GPSDO. Of course, the
GPSDO has better long-term stability because it is being corrected over
time. But for ease-of-use, it is really hard to beat the Rb reference.

(I have and use both.)

The simplest way is to get a Trimble Thunderbolt.
> They have been as low as $75 over on the "evil empire" (I bought
> two at that price). You do need an external antenna, but you need
> an even bigger one for the radio !!
> 73, Dick, W1KSZ

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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