I'm interested and concerned about the ability to run the 6000 series

For reasons I won't bore you with, lack of a really good remote power
on/off capability -- such as Elecraft unquestionably has for 6300 scale
money -- may be a deal breaker for this long time Flex owner as far as the
6000 series goes.

I still have no solution for the 5000 (sticking a toothpick into the on/off
switch is not a serious answer -- I want and need to do power sequencing).

Where does the 6000 series really sit with this?  I can't tell.  Remote
operation is becoming increasingly important -- and popular.  But, those
that seem to know (one of whom has been doing remote operations since long
before it became popular and owned a 5000) is very dismissive of the
current state of the Flex art here for both the 5000 and 6000.  That long
time ham moved on to Elecraft and I've seen his shack.  It works and works
like a dream.

The 6000 series "should" work.  It's an internet "addressable" device.  I
should be able to "remote" everything that counts now.  But, I need the
physical power control and sequencing.

I'd even pay a decent amount of money for a factory-supported, optional
add-on.  Something where I could hook up a USB cable or even just a relay
cable and do the on/off processing.  Or, supply power and issue a CAT
command.  Many things would be suitable.  But, they have to be serious
excursions into the power aspect of it.  My shack and radio needs to be
powered off when not in use.  I will be able to leave only one or two very
low power (cell phone level) devices powered on when I am not operating;
they can run the "on" sequencing when I need it.  The radio itself must be
power sequenced.

Larry WO7R (better known here under my former call WO0Z)
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