As far as I know, PSDR has no means of routing mic audio out to a windows sound device.

The method that I have used is to route the Mic directly to a Windows sound card and then thru the sound card to the F5000 line input. (i.e. set it up like you would a knobs and buttons radio )

  Seems like a functional hole to me..


On 11/12/2014 12:00 PM, wrote:
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:49:39 -0600
From: Grant Kesselring<>
Subject: [Flexradio] Playing and recording voice messages using VAC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I'm looking for some help getting voice messages to record/playback with
N1MM+ and Flex5000/VAC.  I can playback previously recorded wav files
through VAC, but recording on-the-fly (Ctrl+Shift+F key) does not work.
I've followed the setup instruction from the Knowledgebase article on how
to configure N1MM with PowerSDR and VAC for Voice Keying:

The article is a bit out of date and refers to N1MM instead of N1MM+, but
it should still mostly apply.  Here are my details:

Physical Connections:
Heil Proset with mic plugged into front panel of Flex "Microphone" input
and headphones plugged into Flex front panel "Phone" input.
Firewire connected between Flex and i7 Win7.

PowerSDR Setup:
VAC1 enabled
Driver: MME
Input: Line1 (Virtual Audio Cable)
Output: Line2 (Virtual Audio Cable)
Buffer Size: 2048
Sample Rate:48000
Stereo: Unchecked
Under Flex5000 Audio Mixer, the Mic input is enabled.  All other inputs
disabled.  For outputs the Power Speaker Line Out, Head Phones, and Line
Out RCA are checked.

N1MM+ Setup:
Under Audio Setup & Monitor....
Radio 1: 1-SO1V/SO2V: Single Soundcard
Playback: Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)
Message Recording: Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)
Sample Rate: 8000

VAC Setup (cable 1 &2 setups):
SR: 8000..96000
BPS: 8...16
Stream Format: Cable Range
Volume Control, Channel Mix, PortCls, Wmk Ctl =  ALL OFF
Connected source lines = Line

Again, the playback of existing wav files is working alright.  The problem
is with recording new messages using Ctrl+Shift+F-key.  The playback is
basically just static.  Please, if you have a working setup or something
that doesn't look right about my setup, let me know!  Thanks!

Grant K1KD

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