Ok, I'll bite (and probably regret it)...

Why in the world would you want to send audio to an antenna for tuning
(or any other purpose)? I have never used an Isoloop but am wondering
if you are you possibly confusing the audio out with a serial port.
  ...or, I'm completely out in left field (not the first time there either 
;-()> ).

Mike / W8DN

On 4/15/2015 8:41 PM, William wrote:
Up in the attic of my house I have an old AEA Isoloop antenna that I had used 
successfully at another QTH.  I've been thinking of trying it out to see if its 
omnidirectional pattern would do better to places that are off the end of the 
fan dipole that I use as my main antenna  (mainly toward South America since my 
dipole faces east/west from here in Oregon).

At first, I had the idea of routing the audio for tuning the loop through a 
switch box with one side to the loop and the other to my powered speakers.  But 
after looking at the 5K manual, I am thinking maybe I could use the line-out 
audio for tuning the loop and keep the speakers hooked up as they are now.

Is this a reasonable idea or would there be some problem I'm not anticipating?  
Any ideas would be appreciated.


Bill -- KA6T

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