The current version of JSBSim in JSBSim CVS is now completely syncronized
with several bugs squashed. The intense efforts of the FlightGear and the
"extended" JSBSim team have given us a new vehicle to fly, the Cessna 310.
As David Megginson mentioned in his release announcement, there are still a
few quirks. I have a complete NASA report on the aerodynamics of an aircraft
which - if it is not the Cessna 310 - is very close to it. I will be
supporting the addition of this data where applicable into the model as
David, Tony, and others refine it. There are a few JSBSim bugs still
remaining for the multi-engine model, but it is quite flyable as I am told.


Can you grab the latest stuff from JSBSim CVS and place it into the FGFS
CVS? And also, John, can you grab the latest and place the aircraft models
into the appropriate Aircraft/* directories? The config file version
identifiers have been change inside these files and they need to be placed
in the proper repositories simultaneously.

If there is a better way to distribute these files to both of you (Curt and
John) let me know.


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