OK, I've finally cobbled YASim back into a releasable state, so
there's a new source distribution available at:

Eventually, this will be www.plausible.org again, as soon as I can get
Network Solutions to find my account.  Things are a little simpler now
that the source is in CVS, basically copy the files into place,
rebuild, and go.  There's a short README to explain things, which is
duplicated below.

Lots of bugs have been fixed, and I've (briefly) tested all the
aircraft this time.  This is the

Have fun,

== README ==
Really simple installation recipe:

+ Copy all the source files in the YASim subdirectory to the
  src/FDM/YASim subdirectory of your FlightGear tree.

+ make clean; make; make install
  (You can probably skip the clean part, so long as your build tree is
  up to date and your system clock isn't doing funny things).

+ Place all the aircraft .xml files (there are only four so far) in
  the "Aircraft" subdirectory of your base directory.

+ Run:
  fgfs --fdm=yasim --aircraft=a4   # A-4 Skyhawk
                   --aircraft=747  # Boeing 747
                   --aircraft=c172 # Cessna 172SP
                   --aircraft=c310 # Cessna T310

Random notes, caveats, and things to try:

All aircraft but the 172 have retractable gear.  Try it and verify the
drag effects.  Recent FlightGear CVS even plays the sound, now.

The jets perform very differently with differing fuel loads.  Try
specifying --prop:/yasim/fuel-fraction=0.5 for 50% fuel, etc...

The 310 has a variable pitch propeller controlled by the
"/controls/propellor-pitch" (yeah, it's spelled wrong) properties.
These aren't mapped in the default controls.  Here is the mapping that
I use, with pitch on the PgUp/PgDown keys:

 <key n="360">
  <desc>Increase propeller advance.</desc>
   <step type="double">0.01</step>
   <step type="double">0.01</step>
 <key n="361">
  <desc>Decrease propeller advance.</desc>
   <step type="double">-0.01</step>
   <step type="double">-0.01</step>

The variable pitch code is a little "wiggly".  The prop will jitter
around the correct RPM a few times before settling down.  If you're
lucky, you can get the engines to do this out of phase with each other
and watch some really freaky yaw oscillations.  I think I know how to
fix this but need a little time.

The 747 _should_ have spoilers and slats, with attendant control
mappings, but doesn't.  It should also have four throttles instead of
two.  Bug me to fix this, or try it yourself if you're feeling

Those with real experience in these aircraft, simulations thereof, or
just lots of MSFS experience are encouraged to provide feedback about
the control "feel" of the aircraft.  This can't be looked up in books,
for the most part.  Are the roll rates OK?  Are the yaw oscillations
too damped or not damped enough?  Are the stalls to shallow or too
sharp?  Are the pitching moments through the stall too high (I suspect
they are)?  Etc...

Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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