Norman Vine wrote:

> David Megginson writes:
>>Norman Vine writes:
>>>Again I don't see any compelling reason to move to SDL
>>As an outsider, I'll mention that one advantage is the fact that so
>>many other high-end games seem to be using SDL now.  I like PLib, but
>>it hasn't seemed to catch on in the same way.
> SDL certainly has been made into the 'poster boy' for Linux Gaming
> but except for audio PLib is IMHO comparable.  Also don't forget that 
> PLib was in many ways, if not a direct spin off of FlightGear,  written 
> for FlightGear or at least to be VERY FlightGear friendly.  
> This fact is often missed by those who were not around when this  
> occured and I guess why it is not thought of as an integral part of
> FlightGear by some.

Well, for the *basic* I/O stuff, plib isn't catching up with SDL. 
Actually basic I/O is about the only reason why SDL is created after all.

I don't say why should move to SDL, but I like it and *if* we move away 
from GLUT (which in my opinion would be a good idea) then SDL would be 
my favorite alternative.

And again, it would remove a lot of ugliness from SimGear.


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