Dawn Ellis wrote:
> > Andy wrote:
> > Platform?  FlightGear's main window is an OpenGL rendering context.
> > I'd be surprised if there was any portable way of getting an OS
> > subwindow.  You'd be better off working with the PUI library inside
> > the context instead.
> >
> We are running on a Windows 2000 machine, using the cygwin environment.
> I've used the glutCreateSubWindow function, and I do get two windows, but FG
> seems to be overriding the display callback for the subwindow.

If you want an additonal window from the OS to display OpenGL you also
need a new OpenGL context. Have a look at PLIB as that's responsible for
that in our case. Maybe you should also have a look at PPE
(prettypoly.sf.net) as it uses PLIB and creates multiple windows.

> We are using Jon's shuttle model for a landing simulation that we are
> developing for the Challenger Center at the school.  We are using a modified
> HUD display with special audio to simulate mission control, and the sub
> window will be used to display text.

In that case you can have a much simpler solution. Look at PLIBs PUI and
create a new (permanet) PUI window that outputs the text. Should be
quite easy.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

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