On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:44:42 -0000, "Richard Bytheway"

>I seeing on TV recently that they have only recently added full computer
>stabilisation to the Harrier. They had the presenter of the program (a
>qualified military pilot, but not on the Harrier) flying a two-seater.
>There was a switch to choose hover or normal flight, in hover mode the
>throttle controlled elevation and the stick was slip/slide direction
>control (much like the cyclic in a helicopter), in "regular" mode, the
>throttle did speed, and the stick did pitch and roll as usual.
>The comment was that this would leave the pilot more time to see, and
>deal with, other things like finding targets and staying alive.


This is the VAAC Harrier and not (AFAIK) anything that's


DERA is now the government owned company QinetiQ (who run VAAC
on behalf of MOD) and DSTL, the bit that remained in the Civil


[1] This is the bit I ended up in.

David Farrent and Dougie O'Hara on the Cold War 
role of the ROC: 'What a world of sorrow is hidden 
in those few words - "[Post attack] crew changes 
would have been based on crew availability."'

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