
I just received a problem report from a German user on the released version
0.7.9 which I - unfortunately - was able to confirm in part.

1. Start at CL77 Santa Cruz leads to an immediate crash.

2. He reported a crash at Munich EDDM at start (e010n40 installed) which I
could not confirm.

3. However, Start at Innsbruck LOWI gave me an immediate crash, too.

BTW, starting from Munich I was not unable to see the alps. I did not fly
for long, but I know they can be seen in MSFS shortly after the start (given
proper visibility settings).

This is the released Windows binary 0.7.9 (which shouldn't matter, though)
and the default Cessna 172.

So, something seems to go wrong here. I recall a discussion on crash issues
on airports other than KSFO on the list, but thought that would have been
solved. I talked to Martion Spott, and he at least confirmed the problem
with the Cessna in LOWI.


        Michael Basler, Jena, Germany
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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