Hoyt A. Fleming writes:

> Erik,
>       Thanks for the help!  I configured MetaKit with the --without-tcl option
> and received the following error:
> Hoyt A. Fleming@HOYT'S_DESKTOP /usr/local/source/simgear/metakit/builds
> $ ../unix/configure --without-tcl
> checking for Python configuration... not enabled
> checking for Tcl headers... configure: error: no directory doesn't contain
> tcl.h

I've put Cygwin compiled Metakit libs and headers from when it 
would compile as part of SimGear up at:


If there's anything missing or if they don't work then let me know 
and I'll have another look for anything I've missed.

I've got no ideas how to cure the compile errors - I also get them if I 
try recompiling Metakit now.

Cheers - Dave


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