Paul Deppe wrote:
 > A related question - after rebuilding with the makefile system, is
 > there a way to "make install" only the files which have changed?  For
 > example, suppose there is only a change to a .cxx file in plib/ssg.  I
 > do a "make", which rebuilds only libplibssg.a.  But when I do a "make
 > install", all the header files are also installed with new dates.

Are you sure?  I was under the impression that the "install" program
(and CVS, for that matter) preserved the date stamps on files.  The
stamps on the installed files should be the modification times in the
archive.  I might be wrong...

 > Then when I rebuild SimGear and FlightGear, make thinks that the
 > header files have changed and recompiles everything which depends on
 > the header files (which is just about everything).  This effect
 > ripples down from plib to SimGear to FlightGear to Atlas.
 > It would save a lot of compile time if one could "make install" only
 > the files which have changed.  Is there a way to do this?

The existing build stuff, frankly, is designed for the simple case
where a user wants to compile and install something once for use in
the future.  If you're doing development, it's probably not optimal.
A little elbow grease to match your private habits is probably
unavoidable.  For example, I always use a custom "--prefix" for all my
FlightGear stuff, never install the shared metakit library, and often
write 1-liner "build" "run" and "link" scripts for whatever focused
feature I'm playing with.

For your specific situation (if it turns out that timestamps really
are your problem), you might try making symlinks from the install tree
to the source tree, and skipping the "make install" step entirely.

The core point being that you're never likely to find things packaged
quite the way you want them.  One of the central characteristics of
being a geeky hacker type is a strongly held conviction that the rest
of the world are idiots and are doing things all wrong. :)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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