Bernie Bright wrote:
> "Curtis L. Olson" wrote:
>>Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.7/FlightGear/src/Cockpit
>>In directory seneca:/tmp/cvs-serv20681
>>Modified Files:
>>        panel_io.cxx
>>Log Message:
>>Sgi doesn't define the != operator for string != char[] so we need to cast
>>the char array into a (string) type before doing the comparison.

>>!   if (mbgTexture != (string)"") {

> A better test for non-empty strings is 
>       if (!mbgTexture.empty())
> This is portable and faster than a string compare.

There are a lot (and I mean a lot) of places where a string comparrison 
is made (either == "" or != ""). It might be a good thing to change that 


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