David wrote:

>Wolfram Kuss writes:
> > The XML files get IMVHO more and more confusing.
>I think that it would be more accurate to say that FlightGear is
>getting more sophisticated -- there's more to learn if you want to
>customize things, but that's only because there's so much more that
>you can customize.

I wrote my critizism so that things will be improved, not to critize
someone and certainly not one of the most active devlopers. I do admit
I was a bit frustrated, since I have slept little for at least a month
now and my current non coding free time is listening to tapes on the
work to and from work. So, I got frustrated when I needed an hour or
two just to find out the name of a parameter.

So, IMHO, we should try to not change *after* 0.8.0 (or 0.7.10) again.
Also, it was meant as encouragment to write a UI; If you can simply
choose from possible parameters, you don't need to hunt for its name.

If noone does a UI then one thing one can do is have a commmand line
parameter to fgfs that forces it to write out all possible properties
etc. I would guess fgfs has a complete list of these somewhere?

>The config files serve many different purposes; using the XML-based
>property-list format for all of them helps a lot, 

I am not arguing against XML. There are several things unclear to me
that IMVHO should be (better) documented. 

>  preferences.xml    - the top-level default preferences
>  joysticks.xml      - default joystick bindings, included by
>                       preferences.xml
>  keyboard.xml       - default keyboard bindings, included by
>                       preferences.xml
>  Aircraft/*-set.xml - aircraft-specific settings, overriding the
>                       defaults in preferences.xml (and
>                       joystick/keyboard.xml)

This should be in the Docs (or did I miss a major XML doc? I only read
the http://www.megginson.com/flightsim/fgfs-model-howto.html ).

>As far as I can recall, these are the *only* files in the base package
>that affect FlightGear's main property tree.  Other files use the
>property-file format for convenience to populate various data
>structures, but they do not touch the main tree and are not accessible
>through the property browser or through the command-line --prop:
>option; it's just a coincidence that they also use the property-list

I see. At the beginning, this was unclear to me although I more or
less realized this after a bit. Calling things properties that are not
"--prop:" things is IMHO not a good idea.

BTW, in your list you forgot the *-dpm.xml files, which are of most
interest to me and which are currently the only ones that I really use
:-). With the little time I currently have, I am glad if I manage to
have a nice 3D model at the correct place in fgfs.

>All the best,

Bye bye,

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