          // xyz offset
          // orientation rph offsets
          // the goals should be set if smoothed rotation is desired

... you probably mean heading/pitch/roll instead of having roll twice.

      <name>Chase View</name>
         // Target is the object being "looked at"

.. I don't understand why you have the rotation data for the target,
given the axis rotations are specified in the eye position information.

      <name>Tower View</name>
         // xyz offsets the eye...in lookat these are applied to the eye
         // position. x moves left/right, y moves up/down, z moves in/out.
         // In tower view these can be used to simulate err..umm
         // ..a tower on wheels


... If you don't have axis rotations for the view, does this actually
correspond to east, up and north respectively ?  Tower on wheels is
quite reasonable, especially for "chase cars" as used by balloons.

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