> Why not translate nonlinear model of Pioneer to JSBSim?

Why not?

> http://amber.aae.uiuc.edu/~jscott/sis/models/

The data is all there. In fact, the model files the UIUC guys use present
pretty much the same information that JSBSim does. Perhaps someone could
write a translator? :-)

> I notice that in http://amber.aae.uiuc.edu/~jscott/sis/models/,
> only Pioneer model is "mostly nonlinear data with some linear
> stability derivatives", and Bray, Robert M. published a paper --
> A Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Pioneer Remotely Piloted Vehicle.
> why not translate the nonlinear model of Pioneer here to JSBSim?
> So we can fly more actually.

JSBSim models use table lookups for data whenever it is available. In this
way we can model very accurately in the range for which data is available.

> I think it is not too hard if you are familar with aerodynamic.
> If nobody would like to do that, I'll try. who can help me?

Please do it! :-)

Jon S. Berndt
JSBSim Project

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