Can we check the bounding sphere of the model and, if the viewpoint is
outside it, use the nearest point of the sphere as a candidate for the
clip plane ?  Doesn't help for pilot viewpoint, but should for trailing.

> David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Curtis L. Olson writes:
> > 
> >  > Could the interior be marked as a separate branch of the scene graph
> >  > and then somehow skipped when viewed from an external view?
> > 
> > We wouldn't want to do that in general -- it would be OK for the 3D
> > instruments and controls, but if we killed the cockpit interior walls,
> > you'd see nothing but sky through the plane windows (i.e. the other
> > side would look like it was missing).  That's not a problem if you're
> > far enough away, of course.
> > The real problem is that the current CVS is using a different clip
> > plane for the 3D model even in external view.  Jim's patch is supposed
> > to fix that, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
> Actually I'm still seeing some pretty bad problems even with that patch.  The
> patch just puts it back to the functionality we had before which seemed a
> little better.  Something is still missing though (from before moving the
> model rendering stuff).  As Erik noted there's some really weird alpha channel
> stuff happening to the model.
> What I mentioned before was something "academic" (ie maybe read about it in
> the opengl book?).  Basically opengl offers a method that uses vertex order to
> select out inner facing polygons and yes you'd see clear sky, but it would
> only be applied at a certain distance so that wouldn't be much of a problem. 
>  I'm guessing that the same thing could be accomplished with the scenegraph
> method if the interior walls, floor and ceiling were seperate polys and the
> outside shell was singlesided.  All we would need is to have a distance from
> eyepoint to origin to decide whether to include the branch.
> Best,
> Jim
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