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On Sun, 2 Jun 2002 13:32, you wrote:
> David Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I believe it may be time for us to make a decision on what aircraft are
> > going to be in FGFS stable 1.0. At the moment there is lot's of work on
> > lots of different aircraft, but it will take a long time to get them
> > perfect. Maybe it would be a good idea to make a decision on what's going
> > in 1.0, and getting them perfect in terms of panels, models, and dynamics
> > in plenty of time for 1.0. For some aircraft this would require new
> > features in view of getting them ready.
> This is a good point,  but one of the attractions of open development is
> having the opportunity to decided exactly on what you want to work on,
> without the usual concerns that go with work for income.  That said I think
> that four or five excellent models would be a great showing for a 1.0
> release.

You can. But it just won't be part of the official distrobution, unless 
decided by the rest of the team. You look at MSFS. They release a dozen good 
quality aircraft that demonstrate the capabilities, then anyone else can 
release whatever they want as addons. There's no reason we can't catelogue 
addon aircraft of flightgear.org, but there would be no "guarantee" that they 
are good. The official aircraft would have to be good, and validated. Thanks,

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