Jürgen Marquardt wrote:
> Hi Steve, Hello Flighgear Developers,
> I followed your projects since quite a long time now..
> As I am interested in 3D programming very much but didn't find the time
> to dig into it, I recently decided to write a BGL loader for PLIB.
> I reused the MDL loader part of PLIB with the BGL patch of John Tsao
> as a starting point.
> From there I enhanced it quite a lot so that by now I am able to
> load some free BGL sceneries found in the web.
> Up to now I can load the static part of the sceneries of FS5, FS98 and
> FS2000 BGL files into PPE and Flightgear  with more or less success.
> The loader is not yet finished but I think it is somehow stable and I feel
> that it's time to share the patch (against PLIB 1.42) if you're interested.

Sure!  Sounds like a useful thing to have.

I think you should announce this on the plib-devel mailing list and
someone will help you get it integrated into the latest CVS version
of PLIB.

----------------------------- Steve Baker -------------------------------
URLs : http://www.sjbaker.org
       http://plib.sf.net http://tuxaqfh.sf.net http://tuxkart.sf.net
       http://prettypoly.sf.net http://freeglut.sf.net
       http://toobular.sf.net   http://lodestone.sf.net

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