Loading BGL files step by step

First you have to check out the latest version of PLIB CVS 
Recomplie PLIB and recomplie Flightgear afterwards (I am currently using 
It is also recommended to recomplie/relink ppe (Pretty Poly Editor) or 

For some simple buildings you also need the textures from John Tsao
(go to this page http://www.geocities.com/tengchiangtsao/ and download the 
texture file http://www.geocities.com/tengchiangtsao/textures.zip)
For now these textures have to be installed in 
"/usr/local/lib/FlightGear/Textures/" even if you have a different FGFS root 
directory. I want to change this soon.
*** A Question for the developers:
Is there's a common texture directory  in FG available where we can store 
common textures used by several models?
*** Hint
May be someone with artistic skills can make some nicer textures for these 

Get some BGL files. Usually they are ziped. When you unzip these files
make sure that all filenames become lower case. You can force this by
unzip -L <bgl file>.zip.
Some sceneries require some extra textures get them as well.

Change to the scenery directory and copy all textures (usually located in the 
texture directory) to the scenery directory (the textures must be in the same 
directory as the bgl files).

Usually the biggest bgl file contains the airport scenery. Start ppe or 
Plibviewer. Now you can have a first look at the scenery. But what's even 
more important, by looking at the console output you'll see the Latitude and 
Longitude of the modell.
4096Reference Lat:    48.366193916065; Reference Lon:11.797574562952.
You need this data later for the stg file.

I am not sure if fgsd is already able to export stg files. If so
you just have to position the model to upper mentioned Lat and Lon
and export the the stg file.

If not you have to manually change the stg file:
First you need to obtain the height of the airport. That can be eigther 
achieved by starting fgfs at the desired airport, look for altitude in the 
message output or by using fgsd.
Next grep in your sceney files for the Airort id:
# cd <FGFS_ROOT>/Scenery
# grep  grep -i eddm */*/*.stg
e010n40/e011n48/3138195.stg:OBJECT EDDM.btg

Modify that file by adding:
OBJECT_STATIC muceddm.bgl 11.797574562952 48.366193916065 443.844688 0

Finally copy the bgl file and all texture files to the directory of the stg 

That's it now you can start fgfs at your airport with the bgl airport model.



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