> Hi,
> Just wanted to let you know that I haven't disappeared. I've been quite
> busy at work the last two weeks and haven't had a lot of free time. I'm
> shooting for posting a new Windows alpha executable and a tar of the
> presuming Linux is building ok this weekend.
> Any news on your end?
Well, I've been working on a Multi-function Control Display Unit (MCDU)
which connects to the FMC and
provides manual control of the nav receivers and other aircraft systems.
Next major effort is adding ability to
insert and edit waypoints and do some flight testing of the LNAV and VNAV.

It has a "string-based" network interface and will work across different
platforms on the network. It also includes the logic to control the EICAS
and NAV displays. If the control panel would fail on an actual flight
deck, the MCDU can be used as a backup control head to bring up the various
engine, nav,  and system displays.

The FMC still needs some work on the thrust/speed control and VNAV features,
but it will fly a coupled approach
with an autoflare and rollout capability. Thanks to Jim Brennan and all his
help in laying out the control sequence

The not-so-good-news --- it runs as a single opengl app (I've got my copy
running on a laptop) and uses the SimGear library socket functions. (You
need 3 networked machines, but you do get the *whole enchilada*)
A full complement of flight deck displays (OpenGC), a multi-function control
unit (MCDU), a flight dynamics model
and scenery(FlightGear).

 I've spent a little time looking at the EPIC and FSUIPC stuff, but haven't
looked at how to make a compatible interface with OpenGC and FG sockets.
Nor have I thought
of how to add the MCDU to the OpenGC package...

As far as the CVS source is concerned; have not commited any changes of late
so the Linux build should be
intact   ;-P.

John W.

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