Andy Ross writes:
>Norman Vine wrote:
>> Check your editor's help file for 'multi-file grep' or
>'multi-file search'
>> IMHO this is an indispensible editor feature for developing 'large'
>> projects and most 'good' code editors have this feature builtin so
>> you don't have to resort to using commandline tools directly.
>Blam.  Culture crash.  Most of us unix geeks would contend until the
>day we die that doing a recursive search via a GUI interface is slower
>and more error prone than running find and grep.  The idea not "having
>to resort" to command line tools is foreign -- they're better, not
>worse.  To us, a GUI app exists to do what command line tools cannot
>(like editing visual stuff, or browsing big data sets), not to replace
>functionality that works great already.

YIKES who ever mentioned a GUI App ??

Have you ever heard of a key assignment to run a shell script
in emacs or vi ???

Or editors that can capture and massage a 'standard output' stream

In my 'EMACS' all I need to do is Meta-Ctrl F-7 and it runs a recursive
grep for the regexp that I enter in the conveniently 'prompted command line'

Then all matched lines are returned in a 'buffer' that also includes
the filename and line #.

Oh did I mention that all I need to do is click on any line to open up that
file at the occurence of my regex in a new buffer :-)

starting-a-task-is-faster-then-forking-a-shell'ly your's


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