Alex Romosan wrote:
> after the merge of the cube sides in the attitude ball i now have one
> huge ball sitting in the middle of the panel. you can find a picture
> at

I goofed the radius, sorry.  It's currently a 7cm wide ball, which is
too small, but looks about right on the current panel.  The one I
checked in was generated from a script that still had 15cm listed as
the target diameter.

> also, i looked at pictures of the a4 panel and i didn't see such an
> instrument.

It's right in the center of the panel of the A-4M photos here, to the
left of the radar screen:

This is just the ball -- the real instrument sits in an enclosure that
makes it look much more like a conventional artificial horizon.  It's
also possible that you were looking at pictures of a newer aircraft --
late model A-4's (like those in service in New Zealand -- Gene had a
great link to some photos of thes) have HUDs and a much smaller backup
horizon with only 2 DOF.

This type of 3DOF horizon/compass was popular in military jets in the
50's and 60's, but was phased out in favor of the smaller units to
save panel space after HUDs became availble.  I'm willing to bet that
they were maintenance nightmares, too.  After all the trouble I went
through trying to get this thing to look right in software, let me say
that I am in complete awe of the mechanical genius who made the thing
work out of gears and gyros.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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