David Megginson wrote:
> Erik Hofman writes:
>  > Good news (if you ask me)! I have an ECMA (Java)Script running in 
>  > FlightGear, accessable true the menu (actually dynamically controllable 
>  > trough a scripts.cml file). I now can toggle the sound on and of using 
>  > JavaScript!
> Wow -- excellent news.  Is the interpreter (1) Open Source or free

It's licensed under both MPL and (L)GPL.

> and (2) small?  We can already do scripting, of course, though

-rwxr-xr-x    1 erik     user      826244 Mar 13 14:19 libjs.so

> external Java or Python processes using the libraries in scripts/, but
> I wouldn't want to require users to install a large Java or Python
> distro for core FlightGear functionality.  A bundled interpreter is
> just what we need.

I was thinking of it as a learning aid (set the plane 1km out on the 
flight path, etc.)

>  > There is a small proble though, is there any way to pass an
>  > argument to a PLIB menuBar Callback function? I searched the PLIB
>  > website but couldn't find a clue.
> I think you need to make the state information available somewhere
> else that the callback function can find it.

Well, I am dynamically generating the menu structure. That means I can't 
  use a per entry callback function. I need just one number/pointer/hint 
in the callback to get it working.


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