Jonathan Polley wrote:
> Along the lines of adding the -pedantic option, I would like to add an 
> ability (probably at ./configure time) to specify additional compile 
> options.  Since one of my platforms is a Mac, I would like to be able to 
> add -wno_long_double, as it keeps telling me that their size is 
> non-portable.

You have this ability already.  You just need to set the "CFLAGS" and "CXXFLAGS" 
environment variables while running "configure".  Have a look at the make files first 
to see what the default value is.  For GCC it is "-g -O2" for both, so you could do:

[In Bash]
  GCCFLAGS="-g -O2 -wno_long_double"

[In csh? (I'm not sure about this)]

  env CFLAGS="-g -O2 -wno_long_double" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -wno_long_double" ./configure

- Julian

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