Dave Perry wrote:
> Attched find an xml file "dc3.xml" that includes edits that allow
> accelleration on the main gear and relativly easy wheel landings.
> With these changes, I can leave the tail wheel unlocked for take-off
> and landings.

Very cool.  I'll try it as soon as I get home.

> 3.  I moved the main gear back to 6.9 (from 6.02).  This had a very
> big effect and enables getting the tail up and accelerating on the
> mains.  Without this, no matter what I did, by the time the tail came
> up, I had already set up the porpoise.  Same on wheel landings.

This is the only one I worry about.  While the other tunables
inherently involve some guesswork, the position of the wheels is, er,
Physical Truth. :)

While it's entirely possible that I mismeasured the location on the
3-view I was looking at, this is the sort of thing that in principle
can be made exactly correct.  It shouldn't require tuning.  There's
also the issue of synchronicity with the 3D model -- we want the
position of the wheels in the FDM to match what the user sees on the

Instead, what you might try is to move the c.g. forward by the same 88
cm by adding <ballast> tags.  What these do is to place the specified
amount of the aircraft's empty weight at the location, instead of
allocating it to the wing and fuselage elements.  The DC-3 doesn't
have any, but most of the tricycle models do -- they tend to tip over
backwards using the default weighting; tail draggers have a much
larger tripod to sit on.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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