On Thursday 18 July 2002 7:43 pm, David Megginson wrote:
> Alex Romosan writes:
>  > i was flying the a4 trying to dodge buildings when i crashed into one
>  > of them. the problem is i was some distance away from it as you can
>  > see from the picture at http://caliban.lbl.gov/a4_crash.pnm (it's a
>  > 1600x1200 picture so it might be pretty large). so either the crash
>  > code is wrong, or the crash boxes around buildings are too big.
> There are no crash boxes around buildings -- we're not doing collision
> detection at all.  If you crashed, you must have hit the ground
> (possibly at one of those nasty tile intersections people have been
> talking about).
> All the best,
> David

Same thing happened to me. Funny part is I flew through a different building 
first. I don't think I was on a tile boundary when I crashed though.

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