Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Jim Wilson wrote:
> > The problem with the 2D panel mapped to the cockpit had been there
> > since Andy added that capability...but now I don't see it anymore.
> > I'm sure it was there fairly recently, within the last month anyway.
> > Are you seeing it with current code David?
> It's related to depth buffer precision.  On my Geforce cards (2MX and
> 3), it never happens with the 24 bit depth buffer you get by default
> at 32bpp.  At 16bpp, it picks a slimmer depth buffer (probably 16 bit)
> and the texture layers bleed through.

That explains why it went away on my system :-)
> The code is using a pretty big argument to glPolygonOffset, and I've
> never investigated how small it can be.  If someone has a little time
> the next time they see this issue, try changing the value of
> POFF_UNITS at the top of Cockpit/panel.cxx.  Decrease it until the
> textures *just* start to interfere with each other, and post the value
> that works for you.

Will take a look at that when I get a minute.



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