Hello Richard,

Sorry for the long delay, but I've been bussy creating new runway textures, and that took more time than I had hoped.

I had the good fortune to be given a flight in a hot air balloon for Christmas last year.
I finally got around to arranging the flight last month (The outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease had grounded all ballooning in the north eats of England until May this year, and then the weather was non-cooperative) and took some straight down pictures of the ground with the intention of making some textures.
I have discovered that I am not, and will never be, a texture artist :-(, however I hereby offer the images to the project for any use that is beneficial to the project.
I'm sorry to day that the photos aren't of much help for using them in the textures itself (they aren't actually 90 degrees downwards) but these type of photos prove to be a great help in designing textures (to get actual colour and layout).

See http://sucs.org/~mocelet/fgfs/ for thumbnails and links to the big pictures.
Thanks for the pictures.

Having experienced flights in commercial, GA, glider and now balloon I can say that ballooning is a completely different experience to all other types of flying. For one thing there is no airflow past the aircraft for the majority of the flight.

I've always wanted to take a ride in a hot air balloon myself, but haven't done it yet. Good to hear it's a great experience.


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