Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > My impression was that it looked like a "routine" forced landing in
 > a corn field due to engine failure.  Thus I was surprised by the
 > amount of damage to the aircraft and the severity of the injuries.
 > In my head I thought, if things were that bad, why didn't they just
 > pull the chute?  My "guess" at the time was that it was a "routine"
 > forced landing in the corn which is why they chose not to pull the
 > chute, but perhaps they tried to stretch the glide out too far, or
 > misjudged something, and ended up hitting *much* harder than they
 > should have.

What was the date of the accident?  We might be able to find a
preliminary NTSB report.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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