David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I've committed CVS changes to begin an XML-configurable GUI.  It's far
> from ready for end-users, but I need early implementors to start
> playing with what's there so far and to try making their own, simple
> dialogs using XML markup.

This is great! I'll join in but it might be a week or two before work stops
consuming most of my spare time...could start with badly need of improvement
view offset (aka pilot offset) dialog or the autopilot stuff.

A couple things that would be interesting (way?) down the road,  the ability
to include textures in a dialog as I think you mentioned, and the ability for
a dialog to pause and un-pause the simulator when it is made visible and then
hidden.   Recently I've also been mulling the possibility of selecting
aircraft from an "in program" dialog similar to Fly II where you can climb up
to 35,000 feet in a 747 and then switch to a C172 :-)  Seriously, even if we
did a full reset, it'd be nice to switch aircraft (3D models as well) and
fdm's on the fly (pun not intended).



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