Can you tell me the command line of the compiler you
used and the location of plibnet.
(search it by typing "locate plibnet". It should find
a file name something like "libplibnet.a".

Because I think that you are missing a library include
line somewhere.

--- Roland Häder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have just updated SimGear from CVS.
> Distri: SuSE 8.0 + 3-days-old Online-Updates from
> COmpiler: gcc 2.9.??? (from SuSE)
> I got this message:
> ../../simgear/io/libsgio.a(sg_socket.o): In function
> `logstream_base type_info 
> function':
> undefined 
> reference to `netSocket::netSocket(void)'
> undefined 

My Flight Gear Multiplayer Stuff (work-in-progress):

OK, I admit it: My girlfriend's just an object to me. 
Unfortunately, there is some information hiding, but 
thankfully, she's fairly encapsulated, nicely modular, and 
has a very well defined interface!

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