Major A wrote:
> Sorry, I only said 747 because that was the only one I could run in
> the broken build I used. I now fixed that one, it happens with all
> 2D panels, 172, 182, 747 (press P), etc.

I can confirm this.  Layers on the 2D panels (but oddly, only the 2D
panels) aren't drawing over the background with the current ATI
drivers.  I vaguely remember other reports of this kind of symptom.
Does anyone remember?  I'll take a look.

Another ATI bug I've noticed is that they seem to have trouble with
texture border.  It's sampling the border color even when there is no
border width defined, with the result that the runway tiles have dark
shadows between them.  Screenshot at:

I actually had to get out the OpenGL spec on this one.  It's not
actually clear what happens at the edge of a texture when border==0.
Some sentences seem to imply that the the border color should *always*
be sampled, but that's contrary to what all the other drivers I know
of do.  Has anyone else dealt with this?


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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