Man, I've been busy with real life lately[1][2], so I need you guys to tell
me what I need to know in order to update the FAQ[3] and Developer
Locations page[4].

If you have any questions you are tired of answering, send me the
question and answer, and I'll work it into the FAQ.  Some things have
changed recently as well, so if you notice anything in the FAQ that is
incorrect, please let me know.  It's been a couple months since I've had
a chance to actually play with FG, so I've sort of out of the loop.  :-(

Also, if you are a developer and wish to be listed on our locations
page, follow the directions at the bottom of that page to get your info
to me.

Thanks for your help.

[2] I've actually been through that dilbert situation twice now, so I'm
    doing the work of 3 people these days.  :-/
Cameron Moore
[ How can there be self-help "groups"? ]

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