Michael Selig writes:
> At 12/22/02, Norman Vine wrote:
> >Michael Selig wrote:
> > >
> > > It seems to me like the property stuff is the most important part of
> > > FGFS.  If one does not understand how to use this and code for it (both in
> > > xml and cpp), then you're never going to get anywhere.  Ok, maybe I
> > > exaggerate (some).
> >
> >For my own understanding of the properties I dump out the
> >entire property tree every time the program starts
> >
> >This doesn't document where things are in the code or the config files
> >but it at least lets you see what is there and is what I use in lieu of better
> >documentation
> >
> >// main.cxx
> >static bool fgMainInit( int argc, char **argv )
> >{
> >
> >...................
> >
> >     writeProperties ("props", globals->get_props(), true);
> Thanks.  That's pretty handy.  I notice that this does not seem to include 
> all of the property information in some files, eg sound.xml (and several 
> other .xml files seen when searching through the "props" file).

Yes I noticed that this is not a *complete* dump too :-(

I find that massaging this file a little is even handier, for example the attached 
script creates this from the file the above patch produces and can be easily 
modified to do other things with the "properties"


======== cut ========

FlightGear Key Map

 Key: 'Ctrl-A'  Toggle autopilot altitude lock.

 Key: 'Ctrl-C'  Toggle clickable panel hotspots

 Key: 'Ctrl-D'  Dummy dialog

 Key: 'Ctrl-G'  Toggle autopilot glide slope lock.

 Key: 'Ctrl-H'  Toggle autopilot heading lock.

 Key: 'Enter'  Move rudder right or increase autopilot heading.

 Key: 'Ctrl-N'  Toggle autopilot nav1 lock.

 Key: 'Ctrl-R'  (Temporary) Toggle winding-ccw

 Key: 'Ctrl-S'  Toggle auto-throttle lock.

 Key: 'Ctrl-T'  Toggle autopilot terrain lock.

 Key: 'Ctrl-U'  [Cheat] Add 1000ft of emergency altitude.

 Key: 'ESC'  Prompt and quit FlightGear.

 Key: 'SPACE'  Fire Starter on Selected Engine(s)

 Key: '!'  Select first engine

 Key: '#'  Select third engine

 Key: '$'  Select fourth engine

 Key: '+'  zoom in (decrease field of view)

 Key: ','  Left brake

 Key: '-'  zoom out (decrease field of view)

 Key: '.'  Right brake

 Key: '0'  Move rudder left or increase autopilot heading.

 Key: '1'  Decrease elevator trim.
  mod-shift  Look back left

 Key: '2'  Increase elevator or autopilot altitude.
  mod-shift  Look back.

 Key: '3'  Decrease throttle or autopilot autothrottle.
  mod-shift  Look back right.

 Key: '4'  Move aileron left.
  mod-shift  Look left.

 Key: '5'  Center aileron, elevator, and rudder.

 Key: '6'  Move aileron right.
  mod-shift  Look right.

 Key: '7'  Increase elevator trim.
  mod-shift  Look front left.

 Key: '8'  Decrease elevator or autopilot altitude.
  mod-shift  Look forward.

 Key: '9'  Increase throttle or autopilot autothrottle.
  mod-shift  Look front right.

 Key: '='  Reset zoom to default

 Key: '@'  Select second engine

 Key: 'A'  Decrease speed-up.

 Key: 'B'  Toggle parking brake on or off

 Key: 'M'  Decrease warp.

 Key: 'P'  Toggle panel.

 Key: 'T'  Decrease warp delta.

 Key: 'W'  (Temporary) Toggle fullscreen for 3DFX only.

 Key: 'X'  Increase field of view.

 Key: 'Z'  Decrease Visibility

 Key: '['  Decrease flaps.

 Key: ']'  Increase flaps.

 Key: 'a'  Increase speed-up.

 Key: 'b'  Apply all brakes.
  mod-up  Release all brakes.

 Key: 'c'  Toggle 3D/2D cockpit

 Key: 'g'  Toggle gear down.

 Key: 'l'  Toggle tail-wheel lock.

 Key: 'm'  Increase warp.

 Key: 'p'  Toggle the pause state of the sim.

 Key: 's'  Swap panels.

 Key: 't'  Increase warp delta.

 Key: 'v'  Cycle view

 Key: 'x'  Decrease field of view.

 Key: 'z'  Increase Visibility

 Key: '{'  Decrease Magneto on Selected Engine

 Key: '}'  Increase Magneto on Selected Engine

 Key: '~'  Select all engines

 Key: 'F1'  

 Key: 'F2'  

 Key: 'F3'  Capture screen.

 Key: 'F4'  

 Key: 'F5'  

 Key: 'F6'  

 Key: 'F7'  

 Key: 'F8'  

 Key: 'F9'  

 Key: 'F10'  

 Key: 'Enter'  Move rudder right or increase autopilot heading.

 Key: 'Keypad 5'  Center aileron, elevator, and rudder.

 Key: 'Left'  Move aileron left.
  mod-shift  Look left.

 Key: 'Up'  Increase elevator or autopilot altitude.
  mod-shift  Look forward.

 Key: 'Right'  Move aileron right.
  mod-shift  Look right.

 Key: 'Down'  Decrease elevator or autopilot altitude.
  mod-shift  Look backwards.

 Key: 'PageUp'  Increase throttle or autopilot autothrottle.
  mod-shift  Look front right.

 Key: 'PageDown'  Decrease throttle or autopilot autothrottle.
  mod-shift  Look back right.

 Key: 'Home'  Increase elevator trim.
  mod-shift  Look front left.

 Key: 'End'  Decrease elevator trim.
  mod-shift  Look back left.

 Key: 'Insert'  Move rudder left or decrease autopilot heading.

#! /usr/bin/env python
$ID: fgfs_keymap.py

Create the current KeyMap for FlightGear by parsing the property tree

This requires Fredrik Lundh's (Simple)ElementTree
available at http://effbot.org/downloads/

and expects the file 'props' created by the following patch to FlightGear

see comment in python code to change 'props' file location and/or name

// main.cxx
static bool fgMainInit( int argc, char **argv ) 

    writeProperties ("props", globals->get_props(), true);
    // pass control off to the master GLUT event handler

    // we never actually get here ... but to avoid compiler warnings,
    // etc.
    return false;


from elementtree.ElementTree import parse

# change this to point to your properties dump
props_file = "./props"

def key_print(mylist):
    for node in mylist:
        name = ""
        desc = ""
        mod_name = ""
        mod_desc = ""
        for key in node:
            if key.tag == 'name':
                name = key.text
            if key.tag == 'desc':
                desc = key.text
            if key.tag[0:3] == "mod":
                mod_name = key.tag
                for mod in key:
                    if mod.tag == 'desc':
                        mod_desc = mod.text
        if name != "":
            print "\n Key: '%s' "%(name),"%s"%(desc)
        if mod_name != "" and mod_desc != "":
            print "  %s "%(mod_name),"%s"%(mod_desc)

def fgfs_keys(properties,indent=0):
    for node in properties:
        if node.tag == "keyboard":
        # recurse thru the tree
print "FlightGear Key Map"

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