On 1/15/03 at 12:39 AM Jon Stockill wrote:

>On the subject of runways - I've been working on the database today.
>I can import and export the xplane database, and have some code which
>parses the DAFIFT data, and compares it with the existing database,
>1. Not all airfields in the xplane database are in DAFIF
>2. Not all DAFIF airfields are in xplane
>3. There's no single common identifier for a field

Yep, here's my stats from the program I ran to compare the databases when I
imported the atis data:

******* STATS *******
9873 airports in DAFIF
16937 airports in default.apt
1384 airports had K added to match default.apt
2 airports had a letter removed to match default.apt
4057 airports could not be matched with default.apt
1077 of these had no valid ICAO code or FAA host ID
1247 airports with ATIS
22567 records in com file without ATIS
0 airports had ATIS but could not be found in the map
98 airports with ATIS had K added to match default.apt
2 airports with ATIS had a letter removed to match default.apt
202 airports with ATIS could not be matched with default.apt
Total of 1045 airports added to default.atis
Total of 1286 unique ATIS frequency/locations written

Note that that's not the most recent Dafif though.  Typically a lot of US
airfields needed K added to a 3 letter identifier in the Dafif to match
default.apt.  I've attached the program I wrote to go through it - its very
very rough but may give you some ideas.  Note that you have to be carefull
with munging identifiers to fit the two data sources - of the 6 airports
which could be matched from a 4 letter Dafif code to a 3 letter default.apt
code, only 2 of them were actually the same airfield.  A similar caution
probably applies to adding 'K' - it'd be worth checking the Dafif country
code to ensure its a US airfield you're doing it to. 

>Also, how do we want to handle updates - I can track how everything was
>last updated now, so from an initial import of the xplane database I can
>update it with DAFIF, *but* since the DAFIF info has no taxiway data, if
>the runway positions get changed slightly the taxiways won't line up.
>Updating *only* fields with no taxiway info, or which were last
>updated/created by DAFIF data is possible. Manual updates are another
>problem - if someone goes to the effort of correcting data then we don't
>want to overwrite it with potentially less accurate info from one of the
>If anyone has any ideas on how we should prioritise the information then
>I'd be very interested in hearing your ideas.

Hmm, its a bit late (1.30am) to think about all that stuff now, but believe
me, you've taken on a huge, but extremely important job.  I'd say maintain
multiple entries for each airfield if necessary - xplane, Dafif and manual,
and then a choice can be made at render time which to use.  I'd suggest
that basics are to allow manual entries/corrections to be made which aren't
overwritten by x-plane/Dafif updates, to allow xplane/Dafif updates, and to
track where entries come from.  Have fun!!!

Cheers - Dave  

Attachment: parsedafif.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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