Major, I believe one of the developers is working/exploring this area.  See 
the IPC Communications thread.  It seems that their protocols are proprietary 
if I understand correctly.  Check out as well.

On Saturday 18 January 2003 21:23, Major A wrote:
> Damn, I'm starting to feel rather uncomfortable asking all these
> questions without actually contributing...
> I've recently come across a website which promises to be a global
> aviation simulation platform:
> You can connect as a pilot or air traffic controller, using TCP/IP
> protocols. My problem is that the programs they specify are all
> Window$-based, worse even, one of them is M$ FS.
> Has anyone tested this to see what functionality FlightGear is still
> missing to be useful in this scenario? It might be worth negotiating
> with the tech guys at IVAO to see whether a direct network interface
> between IVAO and FG could be implemented, rather than having to go
> through SquawkBox or so.
>   Andras
> ===========================================================================
> Major Andras
>     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     www:
> ===========================================================================
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Linux 2.4.19, P4 1.5, 512MB, Geoforce 3
Trim for 60, carb heat on, fuel on, electricals on, throttle open one quarter, 
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