On Sunday 26 January 2003 17:52, David Megginson wrote:
> Roland Häder writes:
>  > My config.sh script looks like this:
>  > ./configure --with-x --with-weathercm --with-network-olk
>  > --with-jpeg-factory=yes
> OK, first take out all of the options and just do
>   ./configure
Ok, first I'm sorry for these words from me. I think everyone get a bit angry 
when he reports a problem and no answer comes back. :(

Well, let's get back to the show. The jpeg factory is an interesting part for 
me because screenshot making so I enable it.

Maybe someone of you can explain me the different between WeatherCM and 
FGEnviroment? Or can you give me a hint where I can find informations about 
it? When there's a special non-sourcecode-creating option I try it. :)


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