Hi There,

Does anybody know where I can find a sampled heightmap
(of any place on earth, at any resolution) ?

I need to submit a project about terrain-aided navigation,
and I need to run some simulations (and somehow, I feel that
using synthetic-noise maps is much like cheating).

A brief search on the web lead me to nowhere (I didn't
look at the right places, I suppose), except for some 3DS
meshes (which are either synthetic, or not equally distributed
as a grid, or broken links.... :) ).

Thanks a million,

         ___  Elad (elady)    _@__                  ___
    ____(   \  J. Yarkoni  .-'    `-.              /   )____
   (____     \_____       /  (O  O)  \       _____/     ____)
  (____            `-----(      )     )-----'            ____)
   (____     _____________\  \____/  /_____________     ____)
     (______/              `-.____.-'              \______)

  "Elady" for friends or....
  "Oh my God... - It's Him !" for fans (or turbofans).

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |
  http://www.ee.bgu.ac.il/~elady  |
  ECE. BGU, Beer-Sheva,Israel  ' ___ '  972-8-6472417
  84105              ---------'  .-.  '---------
     _________________________'  '-'  '_________________________
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