I've been thinking (always dangerous) about using an internet form to 
auto-generate aerodynamic configuration files for JSBSim.  The form would 
look something like this:  http://home.attbi.com/~davidculp2/fmm.html  , and 
will have a cgi program on the server that will spit out a plausible config 
file, and engine files.  So, before I learn php and install apache on my 
machine, I wonder if anybody handy with cgi and who has access to a 
cgi-enabled web server would like to help out with this project.  The math 
bits are already done for the most part:  

This will be a help to those who want to build a new model, but are 
intimidated by the aero config files.  And, this is a great way to learn how 
the JSBSim aero config process works.

Dave Culp

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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