* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Manuel Bessler) [2003.06.22 20:59]:
> I found a sound package of DC-3 sounds (actually for 'that other
> simulator') which might license-wise be compatible with the GPL. 
> http://www.dc3airways.com/dc3sounds.zip

I've been wanting to play around with Sweep[1] lately, and this was a
good opportunity to do that.  While jacking around with the filters, I
found a gem that makes it sound like you are wearing headphones.  If you
want to play with it, do this:

- Load tXce4.wav
- Select all
- Open the "Glame Bandpass Filter" Processing window
- Set Bandwidth to 202.8 Hz (click, then hit right arrow key)
- Press Play.  You can alternate between ^Z and ^R to undo/redo and hear
  the difference

I've only been up in a real, private aircraft a couple times, but this
sounds pretty close to what I remember.

PS - Would it be feasible to add a filter into plib to do the headphones
effect in realtime?  Just my 2 sound-processing-newbie-cents.

[1] http://sweep.sf.net/
Cameron Moore
[ So what's the speed of dark? ]

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