On Thursday 10 July 2003 22:38, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> From the FWIW department ...
> Today I was able to get FlightGear running on a 5 projector wrap
> around display.
> Here is a picture of the facility (when it was running other
> software):
>    http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/Facilities/simpics/screenandcar_small.jpg
> There are 5 forward channels each covering 42 degrees fov for a total
> of 210 degrees field of view.  Each projector is running at 1024x768
> resolution so this is a 6020x768 pixel display system.
> Our once hot PC hardware is now pretty sub-par in terms of performance
> so I was only getting 20-30 fps (sometimes less) which was
> disappointing.  This subpar performance leads to jitters and tiny
> mismatches between adjacent screens which largely goes away if you can
> run all the channels locked at 60hz.  (Oh, and at the moment there is
> really no possibility of removing the annoying vehicle in the middle
> and replacing it with a C172 cockpit.) :-P
> Even so, it was pretty neat to fly in such an immersive environment.
> I initially started in the Wright Flyer and it was fun to look out
> through the wings and struts and wires surrounding me.
> I might try again and use a laptop inside the vehicle for flight
> controls (rather than sitting at the console on the perimeter of the
> sim.)  We also have a rear channel which I could fire up as well.
> So that's it, nothing more to see here, please move along ... I just
> thought I'd mention it in case someone finds it moderately interesting
> or in case anyone has been wondering about setting up something
> similar themselves.
> Regards,
> Curt.
> -- 
> Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
> Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
> Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

I wanna go:)


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