* Jim Wilson -- Tuesday 29 July 2003 12:17:
> Lukasz, try checking out into another directory (the FlightGear source) and
> see if you get the same main.cxx file.

What does ident say? That's what it =should= say:

  $ ident main.cxx
       $Id: main.cxx,v 1.115 2003/07/27 07:49:33 ehofman Exp $

Or what about this?

  $ cvs status main.cxx
  File: main.cxx          Status: Up-to-date

     Working revision:    1.115
     Repository revision: 1.115   
     Sticky Tag:          (none)
     Sticky Date:         (none)
     Sticky Options:      (none)

m.   :-)

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