Hello everyone,
   I am a bit new to FlightGear.  I am hoping to contribute to the
coding, and was told to fly around and work on things that I think would
be beneficial to add.  Well, I have quite a few ideas, and they don't
seem like they would be terribly difficult but the problem is I am not
used to looking at other people's code.  I am having a lot of trouble
getting an idea as to the program flow of FlightGear.  For example, one
of the first things I noticed was that when you choose "file|reset" with
the default plane the plane is deposited at the end of the runway upside
down making it difficult to take off normally ;).  Seemed that this
would be a good place to start.  Anyway, I am having trouble tracing the
program flow from where the user clicks reset to what is done to the
plane.  I have played around with the menubar.xml file, but am unable to
locate any reference to "old-reinit-dialog".  

   I have 2 versions of FlightGear installed, one is 0.9.2 that I use
regularly fly in, and a fairly recent CVS version- from last Sunday, I
believe, that I am trying to use for developement.  I am using Red Hat
Linux 8.0.

   If anyone has a little bit of extra time could they email me any kind
of tutorial as to how the program works?  I would be very grateful and
hopefully a helpful contributer to this project.

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